Public Service Announcement
Arnaitok Arena Access
July 6, 2023 – Iqaluit, Nunavut
The City of Iqaluit wants to remind user groups that while we are installing the accessibility ramp at the Arnaitok Arena Parking Lot, access to the Arnaitok Arena is found in the back parking lot of the Aquatic Centre.
To the right of the main doors as you face the Aquatic Centre from the back parking lot, there is a red door. That’s your door. Please do not confuse it with the red door in the front of the building in between the Fire Department and Aquatic Centre. You want the Aquatic Centre back parking lot red door.
We also remind user groups that anyone using the parking in front of the Firehall will be immediately towed. Please use the back parking lot for your Arnaitok Arena access and parking, and thank you for your patience.
For additional information, please contact:
Kent Driscoll Communications and Customer Service Manager
867-979-5607 k.driscoll@iqaluit.ca