City invites input on development permit for 810 Aviq Street

April 07, 2021

City invites input on development permit for 810 Aviq Street

The City of Iqaluit invites residents’ input into projects, policies and initiatives that grow our community and prepare our city for the future. The City is currently looking for interested residents to provide public consultation input for Development Permit Application #20-045 relating to the redevelopment of 810 Aviq Street (Big Racks).

On March 16 2021, the Planning and Development Committee of the Whole recommended to Council the approval of a four storey mixed-use building with ground floor commercial and thirty residential dwelling units. A Council motion on March 23 required that a Public Hearing take place. This Development Permit application includes a variance to increase the permitted maximum building height from two storeys to 4 storeys and from 11 metres to 13 metres.

A Public Hearing will take place on April 19 at 6 p.m. Participants wishing to speak at the public hearing will be required to register with the City Clerk by April 15 at 4 p.m. Please contact Tammy Ernst-Doiron at or call 979-5634. The speaker may present for up to ten minutes.

For questions related to Development Permit Application #20-045, please contact Development
Officer, Marc Rivet, at
