Iqaluit Fire Department Responds to Weather Station Fire at West 40

April 06, 2021

Iqaluit Fire Department Responds to Weather Station Fire at West 40

Iqaluit Emergency Services responded to a report of smoke in the West 40 area on Monday, April 5th at around 3 p.m. Upon investigation, the initial crew found the weather station building to be on fire with visible flames on one side of the building. Fifteen firefighters and six fire vehicles responded to the scene and were able to keep the fire from spreading to nearby buildings and vehicles.

The cause of fire is currently under investigation by the RCMP and the Office of the Fire Marshal.

Iqaluit Emergency services would like to thank our community partners, RCMP, OFM, QEC, Uqsuq and Nunavut Excavating, for their assistance during this fire. An additional thank you to the Public Works department, who trucked water to the site in a timely and professional manner to allow firefighters to extinguish the fire.


For media related questions, please contact:

Lisa Milosavljevic
Communications and Customer Service Manager
City of Iqaluit
