Maintenance closure for Aquatic Centre swimming pool

July 29, 2021

Maintenance closure for Aquatic Centre swimming pool


The City would like to remind residents that the Iqaluit Aquatic Centre will be having their annual pool closure starting Tuesday, August 3rd.

This will only affect the Lap Pool. The Leisure Pool, Hot Tub, Fitness Centre and all Fitness classes will remain as scheduled.

Each year the swimming pool must be closed for maintenance. Due to the COVID-19 facility shutdown in 2020, the Aquatic Centre was not able complete all maintenance. Yearly maintenance is necessary in order to meet public safety standards and service expectations. During the closure, we are able to complete maintenance work that cannot be done while the facility is in use.

These closures are essential for extending the life of the city’s assets, reducing the likelihood of program interruptions due to mechanical failure and ensuring a safe environment for all staff and guests.

The City apologizes for any inconvenience, and thanks you for your understanding.


For additional information: 

Recreation Department | 867-979-5611
