Public Service Announcement
Iqaluit Water Testing Explained
The City of Iqaluit would like to share the results of the recent testing of the water treatment plant and distribution system.
The standard tests applied inside the water treatment plant are for chlorine levels, bacteria and hydrocarbons. Since the water treatment plant was re-opened on April 27th, chlorine levels have been within national standards, and tests for bacteria and hydrocarbons have come back negative.
Iqaluit has some of the most sophisticated hydrocarbon testing in North America. The S::CAN system tests water for hydrocarbons as it enters and leaves the water treatment plant. It also provides Public Works employees with real time readouts of the test results.
City of Iqaluit staff collected samples from several different locations outside of the Water Treatment Plant, as required by the Chief Public Health Officer to approve reopening. Those tests include measurements for total coliforms, E.coli, turbidity and free chlorine.
The Public Health Act states the City must send at minimum 7 samples a month to a lab for bacteriological analysis. The City exceeds this number and has implemented a very stringent in-house water quality monitoring program going above and beyond Public Health requirements. This includes daily sampling for bacteria and the chlorine is monitored in real time at 3 locations in the city and is adjusted by our certified water treatment operator.
Samples were sent to Ontario based Caduceon Environmental Labratories on May 3rd. The water distribution system passed all the tests conducted.
On May 9th, the Chief Public Health Officer informed the City of Iqaluit that his office is requiring the May 3rd tests be repeated. Public Works is now conducting that additional testing.
When the results of the second round of testing are received –as long as the results are as successful as the first round- the City will again ask the Chief Public Officer to approve a full return to service for the Water Treatment Plant.
The City again thanks residents for their ongoing patience as the Water Treatment Plant returns to full operation, and we will inform you of the results of the current testing when it is completed.
With this PSA, please find attached the results of April’s water testing throughout the City.
For additional information, please contact:
Kent Driscoll - Communications and Customer Service Manager 867-979-5607 k.driscoll@iqaluit.ca