Public Service Announcement Precautionary Boil Water Order Finished

May 12, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Precautionary Boil Water Order Finished

The City of Iqaluit would like to inform residents that the precautionary boil water order for Iqaluit has been lifted by the Chief Public Health Officer.

Public Works received the results from the most recent testing on May 12th, and forwarded the results to the Chief Public Health Officer. Iqaluit’s water delivery system passed all the tests, and the order was repealed.

On May 9th, City of Iqaluit staff collected samples from several different locations outside of the Water Treatment Plant, as required by the Chief Public Health Officer to approve reopening. Those tests include measurements for total coliforms, E.coli, turbidity and free chlorine.

The City wants to thank Public Works staff for their continued efforts to return to regular service at the Water Treatment Plant, and residents for their continued patience.


For additional information, please contact:

Kent Driscoll - Communications and Customer Service Manager - 867-222-8502

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