Temporary Change- Trucked Services Route

October 18, 2021

Temporary Change- Trucked Services Route

The City of Iqaluit would like to advise residents on Trucked Services of a temporary change to the delivery schedule, while water is drawn from the Sylvia Grinnell River.

Until further notice, the three water trucks on the road providing water to those homes on Trucked Services will all start their deliveries in Apex, working their way back towards Iqaluit. Changing the route in this way has allowed for more efficient delivery, resulting in faster service to the community.

Starting at 8:00am, the new order of service delivery is as follows:

1) Apex
2) 2600s
3) 2500s
4) 2400s
5) Happy Valley
6) 100s/200s
7) 700s
8) 400s
9) 900s
10) 1800s
11) 1400s
12) 1300s
13) 1000s
14) West 40

As the water that is being delivered is from the river, the City would like to remind all residents on Trucked Services that water should be brought to a rolling boil for at least one minute prior to consumption. Once cooled, water can be sealed and stored for later use.

Residents who have inquiries related to the local State of Emergency or the current situation with the water are asked to call the Water Hotline at 979-5603.

For additional information, please contact:

Geoffrey Byrne
A/Communications and Customer Service Manager
867-979-5619 | g.byrne@iqaluit.ca
