Road closures

Access to Informal Beach Road from Lower Base to Be Closed

Public Service Announcement
Access to Informal Beach Road from Lower Base to Be Closed
April 20, 2022 – Iqaluit, Nunavut

The City of Iqaluit would like to advise residents that access to the informal beach road from Iglulik Drive in Lower Base, outlined in red below, will be permanently closed. The closure will take effect on Monday, April 25, 2022.


Road Closure – Nikku Lane


Road Closure – Nikku Lane
April 14, 2022- Iqaluit, Nunavut

The City of Iqaluit would like to advise residents of a road closure. Nikku Lane will be closed to thru-traffic for construction (map below).

The closure will going into effect immediately. An update will be provided once the road is reopened.

Residents along this road will still be able to access their homes.

The city of apologizes for any inconvenience and thanks you for your understanding.



Traffic Detour – Road Closure

Public Service Announcement
Traffic Detour – Road Closure
April 4, 2022 – Iqaluit, Nunavut

The City of Iqaluit would like to advise residents of a road closure. Ataani Lane will be closed to thru-traffic for construction (map below).

The closure will going into effect Monday, April 4 at 10:00 AM. An update will be provided once the road is reopened.

Residents along this road will still be able to access their homes.

The city of apologizes for any inconvenience and thanks you for your understanding.


Partial Road Closure – In Front of Building 2691

Public Service Announcement
Partial Road Closure – In Front of Building 2691
March 31, 2022 – Iqaluit, Nunavut

The City of Iqaluit would like to advise residents of a partial road closure in front of building 2691 on Abe Okpik Crescent (map attached).

The closure will going into effect Thursday, March 31st and conclude as soon as possible.

Residents along this road will still be able to access their homes.

The city of apologizes for any inconvenience and thanks you for your understanding.


Partial Road Closure – Plateau

Public Service Announcement
Partial Road Closure – Plateau 
March 15, 2022 – Iqaluit, Nunavut

The City of Iqaluit would like to advise residents of a partial road closure in front of building 5013 on Pingua Street (map attached).

The closure will going into effect the afternoon of Tuesday, March 15th and continue until Friday, March 25th.

Residents along this road will still be able to access their homes.

The city of apologizes for any inconvenience and thanks you for your understanding.


Traffic Detour

Traffic Detour

The City of Iqaluit would like to advise residents of a road closure. Qiyuttat Drive will be closed to thru-traffic for construction.

The closure will going into effect Friday, December 10th at 12 pm. An update will be provided once the road is reopened.

Residents along this road will still be able to access their homes.

The city of apologizes for any inconvenience and thanks you for your understanding.


Road Closure – Qaqqamiut Road (Upper Base Garage to Green Acres)

Road Closure – Qaqqamiut Road (Upper Base Garage to Green Acres)

The City of Iqaluit would like advise residents of a road closure on Qaqqamiut Road from Upper Base Garage to Green Acres from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Saturday, October 30, 2021 to allow for the installation of a new culvert.

There will be no through-way traffic at this point, and all residents who intend to use the road in Upper Base will need to go through the Plateau subdivision.

The City apologizes for any inconvenience and thanks you for your understanding.


Road Closure on Nunavut Drive

Road Closure on Nunavut Drive

Residents are advised of a road closure on Nunavut Drive from 12:00PM to 7:00PM on Monday, September 06, 2021 to allow for a small festival at the Franco-Centre.

Nunavut Drive from building #981 to #979 will be closed to traffic both ways. Nunavut Drive from building #979 to #969 will be limited access for resident of the area only.

Traffic detour signs will be in effect.

The City apologizes for any inconvenience and thanks you for your understanding.


Road Closure near Airport

Road Closure near Airport


Residents are advised of a road closure by the airport from July 22 to July 25, 2021.

Ungalliqpaat Crescent will have detours in place that will reduce traffic through the airport area.

The City apologizes for any inconvenience and thanks you for your understanding.


Additional information:

Sue Avery
Public Works Clerk 


Road closure of Nunavut Drive

Road closure of Nunavut Drive


Residents are advised of a road closure for Nunavut Drive in front of the Curling Rink from Wednesday, July 14 to Friday, July 16 during the hours of 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Parking for those attending the vaccination clinic is available outside building 901.


For additional information:

Sue Avery
Public Works Clerk 
City of Iqaluit 
