City Council Approves 2021 Budget

November 25, 2020

News Release

City Council Approves 2021 Budget
November 25, 2020 – Iqaluit, Nunavut


Iqaluit City Council approved the 2021 Budget at a Council meeting on November 24th, 2020.

Councillor Sheppard, chair of the Finance Committee of Whole stated, “The 2021 Budget will help the city strengthening its internal systems to be able to provide high-quality services for residents and improve staff workspaces to ensure our workforce can work in a healthy environment with the tools they need.”    

The city is facing several challenges over the next few years.  One of the main issues for the City is the infrastructure deficit. A number of city facilities and vehicles are at the end of their useful life.  A facility to replace the City’s storage, workshop and inventory building that is no longer useable, as well as space for operations staff is urgently required. Renovations to city facilities are needed to meet health and safety requirements and the city will plan for new facilities such as a Fire Hall and Dog Pound.

There are large capital projects that are essential for our city’s residents and for future development. However, without a long-term water supply and sewer capacity upgrades, the city cannot support additional development or meet the basic housing requirements. With this considered, water will remain the City’s top priority.

Additional priorities for 2021 include the development of a new General Plan and Zoning By-Law, repairs to the Apex Bridge, pumping program to supplement the Lake Geraldine Reservoir, the purchase of an excavator to address infrastructure repairs, a new City website, summer clean up crew and increased staffing for Municipal Enforcement.

“This budget reflects the City’s commitment to listen to the growing needs of the community and improve essential services for all residents”, said Mayor Bell.

The 2021 Budget highlights include:

  • Improve the City’s water infrastructure and service to residents, and plan and implement a long-term water supply and storage solution.
  • Improved waste management by proceeding with the construction of the new Waste Transfer Station and Landfill
  • The water rates will not increase this year, given the reduction to the water subsidy over the past two years.
  • The cost for water and sewer callouts to will be increased from $250 to $350 for residential call-out and $450 for commercial call-outs to reflect the city’s increasing costs.
  • An increase in the sanitation fund by 3 percent to address shortfalls in the sanitation fund and prepare for the construction and operation of the new waste transfer facility and landfill. 
  • An increase to property taxes by 1 percent to create revenue for the general fund to support increased expenditures for basic services (roads, emergency services, municipal enforcement, corporate services, administration, recreation) and fund reserve accounts for future expenditures (fire trucks, buildings, heavy equipment etc.).

The new budget goes into effect January 1, 2021.


For additional information, please contact:

Lisa Milosavljevic
Communications and Customer Service Manager
City of Iqaluit
