Public Service Announcement
New Flashing Light System at Crosswalk on Niaqunngusiariaq Road
September 25, 2024 – Iqaluit, Nunavut
The City of Iqaluit is excited to announce the installation of a new flashing light system at the crosswalk on Niaqunngusiariaq Road, connecting the hospital to the Tammaativvik Boarding Home. This important infrastructure upgrade aims to significantly enhance pedestrian safety at this busy intersection.
Importance of the Flashing Light System
The new flashing light system is designed to improve visibility and safety for both pedestrians and motorists using the crosswalk. By providing a clear, active signal when pedestrians are crossing, this system helps prevent accidents and ensures a safer environment for everyone.
How the Flashing Light System Works
• Pedestrian Activation: Pedestrians can activate the flashing lights by pressing a button located at the crosswalk.
• Motorist Alert: Once activated, the flashing lights will signal motorists to stop, allowing pedestrians to cross safely.
• Enhanced Safety: The flashing lights increase visibility, particularly during low-light conditions, ensuring that pedestrians are noticeable to approaching vehicles.
Guidelines for Safe Use
For Pedestrians:
− Press the Button: Activate the flashing lights by pressing the button at the crosswalk.
− Wait for Vehicles to Stop: Ensure that vehicles have come to a complete stop before crossing.
− Use the Marked Path: Always cross using the marked crosswalk.
− Stay Alert: Be aware of your surroundings and make eye contact with drivers when crossing.
For Motorists:
− Observe the Flashing Lights: Be prepared to stop when you see the flashing lights activated.
− Yield to Pedestrians: Stop and allow pedestrians to cross safely.
− Stay Vigilant: Be attentive, especially in areas with pedestrian crossings.
− Avoid Distractions: Keep your focus on the road and refrain from using mobile devices.
The City of Iqaluit is committed to improving road safety and appreciates the cooperation of all residents in making our community safer. Together, we can ensure that this new flashing light system serves its purpose effectively.
For additional information, please contact:
Geoff Byrne
Communications and Customer Service Manager
City of Iqaluit
867-979-5619 | g.byrne@iqaluit.ca