Recreation Update- Playground and Outdoor Ice Rink Closures

March 23, 2020


 COVID-19 and City of Iqaluit Updates

IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM THE CITY OF IQALUIT- Playground and Outdoor Ice Rink Closures


March 23, 2020 (Iqaluit, Nunavut) – The City of Iqaluit’s first priority is its staff and residents.  

As a precautionary measure, all City of Iqaluit playgrounds and outdoor ice rinks are closed, effective immediately. 

Closures are meant to ensure that opportunities for transmission of the COVID-19 virus are further reduced. The COVID-19 virus has been found to survive on steel and plastic for up to 72 hours; City of Iqaluit playground equipment is made primarily from these two materials.

While the likelihood of transmission is reduced out of doors, out of an abundance of caution, the Recreation Department asks residents to refrain from using the playgrounds or the outdoor skating rinks until further notice.  

The Recreation Department encourages residents to remain active, however we remind you to continue to practice safe, social distancing by keeping at least two metres (approximately the length of one snow machine, or the width of a car) away from others. 

Recreation staff encourage all residents to stay safe, stay home for all non-essential tasks, wash your hands, and stay inside if you feel unwell. 

The City will reassess all Recreation closures on the 6th of April, 2020.  

