Public Service Announcement
Residential Large Item Pick-up Program
September 3, 2024 – Iqaluit, Nunavut
The City is pleased to announce that the annual residential large item pick-up program will take place from September 09 to September 14, 2024. This is an opportunity for residents to discard difficult to remove items without a fee with the help of Public Works.
Residents can dispose of the following items:
• Two appliances (washer, dryer, refrigerator, freezer, or stove)
• Three large household items that weigh 50 pounds or more and are too large to fit into a black garbage bag. This includes:
o Furniture (couches, chairs, tables, mattresses, etc.)
o Flooring (carpets, under padding, and sheet linoleum), bundled in maximum 1.7 m x 1 m (5 ft. x 3 ft.) lengths (one bundle equals one bulk item)
o Plumbing fixtures, including toilets;
o Windows and mirrors
Leave you large items during the week of June 24, based on your regular residential garbage pick-up route, in the following manner:
• Placed separate to regular waste by garbage bin
• Organized by material
• Placed into piles
• Not stacked
Items not intended for pick-up should be removed from the garbage bin area (i.e. bikes, toys, etc.) to ensure that they are not taken by mistake.
Please note that Commercial zones are not included in the large item pick-up (i.e. downtown core, West 40 and Federal Road).
The following materials will not be collected and must be taken to the landfill for disposal by residents:
• Electronics (televisions, computers, etc.)
• Household hazardous waste
• Vehicles, including recreational vehicles
• Automotive parts, including vehicle seats
• Tires
• Mixed waste piles
• Building and demolition debris
• Wood (construction/demolition waste, shelving, pallets, crates, doors, etc.)
• Metal
• Propane Tanks
• Batteries
• Soil and rocks
• Pet waste
• Cardboard boxes – which is already included in regular residential pick-up, or can be taken to the landfill
The above items that are not included in the residential large item pick-up program are subject to tipping fees for disposal. To view the associated tipping fees on the above items, please see Bylaw #908 Consolidated Fees and Charges Bylaw on the City of Iqaluit website at https://www.iqaluit.ca/content/consolidated-fees-and-charges-law-no-908
Please see below for the City’s residential garbage pickup schedule and map
• Monday: Core Area; Lower Iqaluit (map colour code is yellow)
• Tuesday: Apex; Core Area; Tundra Valley (map colour code is blue)
• Wednesday: Happy Valley, Lake Subdivision; Road to Nowhere (map colour code is orange)
• Thursday: Tundra Ridge (map colour code is purple)
• Friday: Plateau Subdivision (map colour code is green)
For additional information, please contact:
Briana Shaimaiyuk-Baines
Public Works Clerk
City of Iqaluit
867-979-5630 | b.shaimaiyuk-baines@iqaluit.ca
**Please see the attached PDF file for map**