Public Service Announcement
Rock transport trucks on City roads
August 13, 2021 – Iqaluit, Nunavut
The City is notifying residents that oversized vehicles transporting rocks and granular material will be sharing the roads starting immediately until mid-September, from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m., all days of the week.
The trucks will be escorted by a pilot vehicle. Construction signage will be posted along the designated route.
The route will commence at the quarry north of the airport, follow Federal Road to Qaqqamiut Road and continue north towards the new landfill location.
For additional information:
Cameron McDonald
Public Works and Engineering Project Officer
C.Mcdonald@iqaluit.ca | 867-222-2950
Josh Benoit
Colliers Project Officer
josh.benoit@colliersprojectleaders.com | 613-301-0448