Public Service Announcement
Water Shut Down and Precautionary Boil Water Advisory –
410, 411, 412, 414 and 416
October 23, 2024 – Iqaluit, Nunavut
Please be advised of a water shut down on Wednesday, October 23, from approximately 1:00PM to 5:00PM to allow for necessary water infrastructure work.
Location of water interruption: 410, 411, 412, 414 and 416
When water pressure drops, the Chief Public Health Officer of Nunavut automatically issues a precautionary boil water advisory. If this water interruption affects your residence, you are under a precautionary boil water advisory.
When the Office of the Chief Public Health Officer informs the City of Iqaluit that the advisory is lifted, we will inform residents.
During a precautionary boil water advisory, the City recommends that all water for consumption is brought to a rolling boil for a minimum of one full minute.
It is recommended that all water be boiled for the following uses:
• drinking;
• preparing infant formulas;
• preparing juices and ice cubes;
• washing fruits and vegetables;
• cooking; or
• brushing of teeth.
Water can be boiled either in a pot or kettle on a stove or an electric kettle without an automatic shut-off.
The City of Iqaluit will release a Public Service Announcement when the precautionary boil water advisory is lifted.
For additional information, please contact:
Briana Shaimaiyuk-Baines
Public Works Clerk City of Iqaluit
867-979-5630 | B.Shaimaiyuk-Baines@iqaluit.ca
To report an urgent water issue (city water main leak or no water pressure) after hours contact: City Dispatch 867-979-5650