Council will hold a Public Hearing: Live-Stream

October 13, 2020

Council will hold a Public Hearing: Live-Stream


The following change is proposed:
1. To approve an amendment to General Plan By-law No.703 and Zoning By-law No. 704 to:
a. Amend Section 7.5 Policy 4 to include a row dwelling units to a maximum of four units on the list of limited developments approved by Council on lots serviced by trucked services.
b. To amend Schedule B of Zoning By-law No. 704 to rezone Lot 11, Block 6, Plan 4400 (Apex) from Neighbourhood Commercial (B3) to Medium Density Residential (R2).

The applicant proposes to rezone Lot 11, block 6, Plan 4400 from Neighbourhood Commercial (B3) to Medium Density Residential (R2) to permit the development of a four unit row dwelling. A General Plan Amendment is required to amend Section 7.5 Policy 4 to include a row dwelling on the list of limited developments approved by Council on lots that are on trucked services.

The Public Hearing will be conducted while maintaining the Government of Nunavut’s imposed social distancing measures due to COVID-19. Therefore, this meeting will be held via a live-streaming link If you have questions or comments and would like to share those with Council, we ask that you register with Planning and Development by Friday October 23, 2020 by 5:00 pm to help us facilitate your request. If you are unable to attend, written representations may be submitted to

Jennifer Jarvis, Development Officer
Planning and Development City of Iqaluit
