Roadblocks Remain in Place – 767 Fire Response

April 11, 2023

Public Service Announcement
Roadblocks Remain in Place – 767 Fire Response
April 11, 2023 – Iqaluit, Nunavut

The City of Iqaluit would like to inform residents of our plans for the two roadblocks in place following the weekend structure fire at building 767.

The roadblock on Natsiq Street will remain in place due to the amount of material from the fire still on the road. Public Works and the Fire Department are working together to see if the roadblock on Fred Coman St. can be lifted either Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday.

Following the completion of the major part of the firefighting on Saturday evening, crews remained on site all weekend. They were able to find hot spots in the wreckage on Saturday evening and Sunday, and were able to extinguish those hot spots quickly.

The Iqaluit Fire Department is working with the RCMP and the Fire Marshall’s office to determine the cause of the fire. As the fire is under still investigation, it is important to not cross the roadblocks either in a vehicle or on foot. Thank you for your cooperation.


For additional information, please contact:
Kent Driscoll
Communications and Customer Service Manager

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